We have always been downloading movies and TV shows before watching them but nowadays it's different, there are so many best movie sites for streaming movies around the web.

Netflix and Amazon Prime are currently the best premium streaming services out there, we all know that. So, in this article, we are going to discuss the free streaming sites which you can watch movies unlimited.

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5 Best Movie Sites for Streaming Movies for Free

10 Best Movie Sites for Streaming Movies for Free
5 Best Movie Sites for Streaming Movies for Free

So, below are some of the best movie sites for streaming movies for free.

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#1 Sony Crackle

10 Best Movie Sites for Streaming Movies for Free
Sony Crackle

When you talk about the best movie sites for streaming movies, Sony Crackle should be your first choice. It's among the best movie site because it offers both old and new movies. Also, Sony Crackle shares movies which are legal with proper licence. 

#2 Viewster

10 Best Movie Sites for Streaming Movies for Free

Viewster is another best movie platform, it's known best for it's anime video content. Viewster does not only share anime video content but also movies and TV shows which you can watch for free. Another great thing about Viewster is that you can watch these movies from an Android or iOS app.

#3 FMovies

10 Best Movie Sites for Streaming Movies for Free

Fmovies is another great movie streaming site which you can watch free movies of different genres like action, comedy, e.t.c Fmovies streaming site has an extraordinary interface. Also, doesn't contain any kind of ads. which will actually disrupt user experience.

#4 My Download Tube

10 Best Movie Sites for Streaming Movies for Free
My Download Tube

Actually, My Download Tube is another best movie site which you can watch movies for free. The site provides a user with an extreme clean and simple interface. Apart from that, the movies shared on the site are completely HD which you don't need to register yourself on the site to watch them.

#5 Putlockers2

10 Best Movie Sites for Streaming Movies for Free

Putlockers2 is another great online movie streaming site which is regularly updated with new movies. The site hosts streaming links on another server to ensure users do not experience interruption while watching movies. The website also has a responsive design that actually converts into a user friendly navigation.

We're done. So, those are some of the best movie sites for streaming movies for free. But you can also share with us one of your best movie streaming site in the comment section.